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公表論文> 論文> Multi-Agent-based Approach for Meeting Scheduling System

英語タイトル Multi-Agent-based Approach for Meeting Scheduling System
  1. Takao Kawamura(川村 尚生)
  2. Yusuke Hamada(濱田 裕介)
  3. Kazunori Sugahara(菅原 一孔)
  4. Kengo Kagemoto(影本 憲五)
  5. Shin-ichi Motomura(本村 真一)
論文誌 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems
ページ pp. 79-84
出版年 2007年4月
概要 In this paper, a meeting scheduling system based on mobile agent technology is proposed. The users of the system do not need to input all of their schedules unlike the existing groupwares. When a user intends to call a meeting, he only inputs information about the meeting. On behalf of the inviter, mobile agents move around each invited user's computer to ask whether he can join the meeting and negotiate with him if necessary. Therefore, the inviter's work becomes less compared with using the existing groupwares. We have developed the system with our mobile agent framework on Java platform and confirmed its effectiveness through experiments.
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