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公表論文> 論文> Sensor Data Classification and Principal Component Analysis Using the Multifunctional Outlet

英語タイトル Sensor Data Classification and Principal Component Analysis Using the Multifunctional Outlet
  1. Toshihiko Sasama(笹間 俊彦)
  2. Takao Kawamura(川村 尚生)
  3. Kazunori Sugahara(菅原 一孔)
論文誌 Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Communications, Networking and Applications, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (ICMCNA 2013, WASET)
ページ pp. 353-356
出版年 2013年7月
概要 In recent years, home electronics have communication functions using the Internet technology. However, in many case these electronics work as a standalone, or cannot communicate between electronics of different makers. Then, we developed the adapter of electrical power plug embedding a relay switch and some sensors that can use for any makers electronics. This adapter’s network is the multifunctional outlet system that has functions of remote monitoring and control. From this system, we can watch many sensor information, however it is difficult to analyze these information and recognize events in remote rooms. In this paper, we develop an analyzer for sensor information using principal component analysis and clustering by ward method. In experiments, sensor information is classified into several groups about from10 to 20, and some groups corresponded with room situations.
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