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公表論文> 論文> All-to-All Personalized Communication in Hypercubes with Link Faults

英語タイトル All-to-All Personalized Communication in Hypercubes with Link Faults
  1. Takao Kawamura(川村 尚生)
  2. Hiroshi Masuyama(増山 博)
  3. Etsuko Masuyama
論文誌 Proceedings of the International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks
ページ pp. 791-798
出版年 2001年10月
概要 Since there is a factor of 2^n difference between one-to-all personalized communication and all-to-all personalized communication(O(2^n)), inefficient algorithms may result in a very poor system performance. In this paper, we introduce a fault-tolerant all-to-all personalized communication algorithm for n-dimensional hypercube networks in the presence of up to \floor(n/2) faulty nodes or up to \floor(n/2) faulty links.
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