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公表論文> 論文> Multi-agent Programming Language based on Distributed Multi-workstation Systems

英語タイトル Multi-agent Programming Language based on Distributed Multi-workstation Systems
  1. Takao Kawamura(川村 尚生)
  2. Yoshinori Saito(斎藤 善徳)
  3. Yukio Kaneda(金田 悠紀夫)
論文誌 Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10's 9th Annual International Conference
ページ pp. 61-66
出版年 1994年8月
概要 We propose a computation model for cooperative agents. In this model, we introduce a field as an abstraction of the group of agents. Each agent can communicate to the other agents in the same group through a field. The field also enables us to specify the action of the group, i.e., it is used for a knowledge base to keep rules and data shared by agents in the group. Based on this model,programming language which is based on Prolog was designed and its prototype processing system was built on the network connected distributed multi-workstation system. We also present example programs written in this language to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model.
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